Some might wonder why they should spend time writing articles? What’s more, it’s free.
The world is full of people who write articles every day, millions of them. Of course not all of them are free, but consider.
If you are a student of History, or other similar or related faculties, you have certainly become familiar with the concept of study. Now it is very likely that in your future career you will have to study a lot, carry out research, read thousands of documents, originals in an archive or written by colleagues, perhaps found on some site. Dig an archaeological site, perhaps. You will have to develop your hypotheses, make some reasoning and above all understand and interpret what you have learned.
How do you plan to communicate the fruit of your work to the world? Simple: writing.
It is not possible to think that writing is a natural fact, because we learned it in elementary school. How many times do we read unclear things, finish a text and ask ourselves: what does he want to tell me?
Or sloppy, unconvincing, not to mention confusing. Writing clearly and incisively is something you learn, especially if someone helps you do it.
Here’s the reason, SnapHistory wants to offer the opportunity to write and be read, even judged. Ultimately, it wants to offer the opportunity to learn to write. Simple to say, but certainly not trivial. Furthermore, not only knowledge can be expanded, but also acquaintances and friendships. Relating with museums, other students, professional historians and authors would expand not little general vision, opportunities.